Thursday, July 19, 2012

VBS 2012-Trust 365

This year's VBS theme was a 50s theme based on our church's 50th Anniversary.  The whole church was turned back in time.  I was so much fun!!

Harper's friend Ellarie joined us this year and they had a blast!

My sweet Harper!

Harper with the other kiddos in her class going on a buggy ride.  Harper's favorite thing to! :)

 Our mascot was Carrie the Caring Car Hop, she skated around all week and the kids absolutely LOVED her!  *Carrie's real name is Abby but the kids still think her name is Carrie :-)*

 Our weeks mission project was to see which grade could collect the most school supplies, to donate to two local schools who are in need.  There was a teacher that represented each grade and they would be dunked in the dunk tank at the Sock Hop (Family Fun night) on Friday night.  I was in charge of the Preschool kids (ages 2-Preschool).  I have to say that I am pretty persuasive person because my kids blew the other grades out of the water *pun intended* so in the dun tank I went!  It was very cold but the kids loved it and thought it was hysterical!!  

After I went in the dunk tank the kids starting chanting each teachers names and then it was one teacher after another until we were ALL soaking wet!  It was for a good cause and the kids loved it! :)

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