Saturday, February 23, 2013

Love Day

This Valentine's Day was a little different than years past, Harper was in rare form :-/

As you can tell from the picture on the left this was her attitude for most, ok all of the day.  But then daddy came home and brought Mexican for dinner!  That's better than any flowers or chocolate!

But the day before Valentine's Day Harper had her party and school and she sure did rake in the goodies!!  Luckily the other parents in her class were kind and did Goldfish, bubbles, books and fruit snacks instead of chocolate.  

Her teachers gave them a few things of chocolate that mom and dad enjoyed :-)
Harper loves the bath so naturally she gave her friend rubber ducks.

Noni went all out this year for Valentine's Day!  I think Harper is starting to understand this present thing :-)

She got her a BIG thing of bubbles and several new bath toys!  Harper walks into the bathroom now and says "bubbles, bubbles.  pease"  This kid love her bubble baths!!!

From Mom and Dad Harper got 2 new books, one about Elmo (who she is currently loving) and an animal sounds book and Molly and Bubble Guppy.  Harper's favorite (and only TV show she will watch) is Bubble Guppies.  So when I saw a fellow sorority sisters little boy had them, we had to get them for Harper!

Hope everyone felt some extra love this week!!

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