Thursday, May 24, 2012

12 months old!

Every month I say I can't believe how fast time is going!  But for real this has it been a year?!? 

-You weigh 20lbs 1oz
-You are 28 1/2 inches
-You are only having an 8oz bottle in the morning and a 6oz bottle before bed

 -You are drinking out of sippy cups
-You eat everything, there isn't anything you won't eat :)
-You are sleeping 12-14 hours at night
-You take 2 very good naps during the day 2 hours+

-You are crawling EVERYWHERE
-You wave bye-bye 
-You say da-da, dog, ducky and twice you said ma-ma
-You are pulling up on everything, you aren't cruising around furniture yet (unless we put something you want in your path)
-You make the funniest faces
-You love when I sing "I love you a bushel and a peck" or "You are my sunshine"
-We celebrated out first Mother's Day together.
-You look for Gizmo when he isn't in the room
-You graduated Diaper Dolphins and are moving on to Flippers in the Summer

 -If we say "Harper Dance" you will start to wiggle!

-You will crawl over anything to get what you want
-We have turned you around in the car and you love it, you just smile and laugh all the time!
-You had your first donut on your birthday and loved it!
-You didn't dive into your cupcake like we thought you would!
-You have walked a few times with your walker toy and you have really surprised us!

Sweet Baby Girl,

Your entrance into this world was not anything we had planned for.  I was just starting to "feel pregnant" when clearly you were ready to meet us and be a part of this family!  So many people prayed for, SO many, people we didn't even know, praying for your strength to grow big, strong and healthy.  You overcame a a few odds in your time in the NICU, all to blow the Doctors and Nurses away with how well you did.  Once you came home we were smitten with you, scared as hell to do it on our own (I had no monitors to watch to tell me you were breathing alright).  You really were a picture perfect baby.  There were a few times you would be fussy all day and I was FOR SURE you were getting teeth (you still have no teeth!), those days for me where hard because you were such a good baby, I didn't know what to do with you when you got fussy! :/  You are smitten with your dad, when he walks in the room you stop what you're doing and smile at him.  You smile and wave when you see your grandparents.  You love everyone!  You've never met a stranger (which we will talk about when you get older!)  You are the light of our lives, it's like you've been apart of our family forever, I don't know what we did before you!  We have loved watching you grow and can not wait to see what the next year has in store for you!  Love you to the moon and back!

-Mom and Dad

Here is Harper's 1st Year Baby Book!  Yes, it is 92 pages but it's worth every penny! :)

Shutterfly baby photo books are the perfect way to preserve your baby's precious moments.

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