Friday, April 26, 2013

Counting to 13...

A little recorded video of our sweet girl counting

23 Months

I can't even believe that we are 3 weeks away from your 2nd birthday.  Hold on a second while I totally hold myself together.

You weigh roughly 24 (.something) pounds
I'm not sure what you height is, we'll find out at you 2 year check up
You are finally in a size 4/5 shoe!  We bought you some new Toms and new 'kicks' to celebrate!
You wear 18-24 months clothes

You are still obsessed with doing puzzles.  Sometimes you will just carry the piece from your chair to your shopping cart to you slide, then put the puzzle together :-) you have some quirks.

 You have recently been asking for Hanna, when we go somewere you will say "Ninna, I Ninna" I tell you she is in Stillwater at school and you in the saddest voice say "okay, I Ninna"  You are really going to miss her when she moves to Dallas.  :-/

You love to read books.  You will talk about all the animals on the pages, point out the colors (by the way everything is pink!)

Everything is exciting to you.  The bath tub is exciting, going to school is exciting, pulling into to swim you yell "SIM!!!!"  Then after swim we always go to Chick-fil-a for dinner and when we pull into the parking lot you yell "ick-ful-a!!!"  

You have quite the personality...see picture below

You are talking all the time.  You are putting 3-4 word sentences and it simply amazes me.  You say things like "See ya yater!"  "Bye Gigmo, stay!"  When I come get you up from a nap you will say "I nap, mommy!" You are understanding what you are doing.  You know pretty much everyone in your life by name and you refer to them by name or "Noah's Mommy" (for example)

I love how you love life.  You will dance, sing, play, puzzles, color, be outside with daddy and Gizmo. You love to help with the laundry, unloading the dishwasher, unloading the grocery cart on to the conveyerbelt.

When we talk about school you name your teachers and most of the kids in your class (which are all boys!) you are the only girl!  But I will tell you, you totally hold your own and are sometimes rough with the boys ;-)

You love Gizmo.  You have to give him a kiss every night before bed, you say "Gigmo, Kiss!  Kiss!" he unwillingly obliges but it just makes your day and I'm so glad that he is patient with you and that you love him.  He is warming up to you.

You are so blessed to be surround by SO many people that love you!  Even when they don't live here or have kids of their own, they make sure that you are thought of, that you are loved.  I think these two pictures are a good indicator :)

You are a spitfire and have a spunky personality but you are so gentle, sweet and polite.  You are so aware of others and their feelings.  You will snuggle with someone when they really need it, you will wave and say 'Hi' to someone and just make them smile, you will say "I yuv you" at just the right time. You just have the sweetest nature, you love to love.

You have really changed over these last few weeks, you are blossoming into a young lady and your dad and I are so lucky to be your parents and watch you grow up.  Love you baby girl!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This girl loves to be "oukside."  She loves the slide, sitting and watching the birds, swinging and just being outside.  

Here's a few pictures I took last week while we were at the park

If these pictures don't capture her excitement...

Sesame Street Live!

Harper and I had a mommy-daughter date night a few weekends ago to Sesame Street Live.  We went with Harper's "best friend ever" (so Ellarie says) Ellarie and her mommy.

The girls had the best time!!  Harper was most excited to see Abby Cadabby and Zoe, those are the 2 characters she talks about the most from Sesame Street.  She knows all the characters but loves them the most.

The just danced and danced and were mesmerized by everything.  Although we had our moments, but other kids were melting down way worse than the girls, so I didn't feel bad!

I was worried if Harper would be too young and not sit still but the first 10 mins she sat in my lap and just stared, she was in heaven.  We had our own row so the girls were free to move around and not bother anyone.  

"Yay Abby!  Yay Zoe!"