Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July

We spent the week of the 4th at Duck Creek at Grand Lake with the Yancey's and Foster's the Stephanie and Ellie joined us later in the week.

Duck Creek has a really awesome fireworks display, they have jets that fly over just before dusk.  Then the fireworks start about 9:30ish.  Since we watched from the Yancey's dock the babies had to wear their life jackets.  As you can tell, Harper was THRILLED to be wearing hers.  About 45 mins after we were down there and there was NO wind we took them off to let the breathe because they were getting sweaty and were very irritable.  As long as we were sitting still they didn't have to wear it.  But if we got up with them, on it went!

Once the fireworks started Harper really enjoyed them, until the first set of continuious fireworks happened and thats when she was startled (hence picture #2) but after that she calmed down and enjoyed them.

Then she decided to take a little snooze...


It was a great 5 days of just total relaxation, no laundry, no TV, just us hanging out, eating until our hearts content, paddle boat rides, floating and boat rides!

VBS 2012-Trust 365

This year's VBS theme was a 50s theme based on our church's 50th Anniversary.  The whole church was turned back in time.  I was so much fun!!

Harper's friend Ellarie joined us this year and they had a blast!

My sweet Harper!

Harper with the other kiddos in her class going on a buggy ride.  Harper's favorite thing to! :)

 Our mascot was Carrie the Caring Car Hop, she skated around all week and the kids absolutely LOVED her!  *Carrie's real name is Abby but the kids still think her name is Carrie :-)*

 Our weeks mission project was to see which grade could collect the most school supplies, to donate to two local schools who are in need.  There was a teacher that represented each grade and they would be dunked in the dunk tank at the Sock Hop (Family Fun night) on Friday night.  I was in charge of the Preschool kids (ages 2-Preschool).  I have to say that I am pretty persuasive person because my kids blew the other grades out of the water *pun intended* so in the dun tank I went!  It was very cold but the kids loved it and thought it was hysterical!!  

After I went in the dunk tank the kids starting chanting each teachers names and then it was one teacher after another until we were ALL soaking wet!  It was for a good cause and the kids loved it! :)

Little is having...

My adorable little and her hubby are expecting a baby in October and they had a Gender Reveal Party and celebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary all with the people they love!
My little Ashley and her Husband Adam

Everyone had to wear pink or blue depending on what you though the sex of the baby was.  Obviously Harper and I wore Pink because we WANTED it to be a girl :)

We had dinner and fellow-shipped with their families and other friends.  I was hot but it was fun seeing everyone get excited about finding out what the baby was.  After dinner they passed out these cute little fortune cookies that sealed the babies gender.  I was so excited, I was like a 5 year old on Christmas!  On the count of 3 we all busted into out cookies to see this...

GIRL!!!  They are having a precious little girl!  They are not telling her name until she is born (which I hate, it's killing me!!  I want to put her name on everything I see!!!)  I do know that her name will start with an A, and her middle name is Renee.  So I know her initials but that's it.

I am so excited for them, my little is the most kind, caring, loving individual I know.  They have had a rough go with getting pregnant so it's safe to say this baby is going to be spoiled! :)


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Homecoming!

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I can't believe it has been a year since we walked about of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Francis Children's Hospital.  We were a "NICU Graduate" as the nurses commonly refer to babies who have left the NICU.  We were putting her in a car and driving her home.  There were no nurses, no doctors, no monitors.  Just us.  And it felt so good, scary as hell, but so good!

I say it often but I'm not sure that the nurses will ever know how much they mean to us.  Yes, the doctors were wonderful too, but it was the nurses whom formed relationships with us.  They are the ones who after the doctor left after rounds and explained what the doctor just said so a 3 year old could understand it.  They were the ones who held my baby when I was sick and couldn't be there to hold her.  They were the ones who gave her shelter when we were under a Severe Tornado Watch that devastated Joplin, MO.  They are the ones who would text me in the morning with a picture of her wide awake and say "Good Morning Mommy!"  They are the ones who made us an anniversary card out of her foot prints.  They are the ones who were praying with us.  They are the ones I can never repay.

I will find myself thinking about Harper's birth and the events that surrounded it and I will feel my eyes welling up and I start to get very emotional.  For me the memories of our time there are still SO fresh and I remember everything; how quiet it always was, how cold it was, the calming voices of the nurses, the doctors footsteps during rounds, the beeps of her monitor, the pagers the nurses wore, how feedings were at 2a/p, 5a/p, 8a/p and 11a/p and the overall sense of peace and clam in the midst of the worst storm of our lives, to date.  Although it was rough and our outcome is far better than several families, we wouldn't change anything.  God brought those people into our life for a reason.  Period.

If you see a nurse or doctor, make sure you thank them and let them know that their job is appreciated.

Happy Homecoming Sweet Baby Girl!

Love you!

Mommy & Daddy

Father's Day

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Everyone says "My Husband is the Best"  "He is the best dad EVER!"  and i agree with all those statements but I have to add ...for your family.  Because yes my husband is the best...for our family and he really is the best dad our daughter.  :)

Michael was born to be a dad.  Long ago (10 years to be exact) when we starting dating I was the babysitting QUEEN.  I would babysit on Friday and Saturday nights and Michael would come with me, it starting getting to the point where the kids wouldn't let me come without Michael.  He was always playing with them, whether it be legos, barbies, playdough, riding bikes, etc. you name it he would do it.  For me it was like a glimpse into our future. ;)

When we found out we were pregnant Michael secretly wanted a girl.  But we both were FOR SURE we were having a boy.  When 20 weeks came around and we saw the "taco" we were beyond excited we were getting our little girl.  I'm sure boys are fun too, but we love having a girl!  From the moment she was born he has not left Harper's side.  When they took her out of my belly he was in smitten.  He made sure to tell me he loved me and that he wasn't leaving her side.  Which was a run of emotions for me because here I am laying all spread out (and if you've had a c-section you know exactly what I'm talking about) alone, I wanted him to be with me, I wanted Harper to be with us, but that wasn't his plan.  Michael kissed me and off he went with our miracle baby.  My friends and nurses tell me that Michael was glowing and beaming with pride when Harper was wisked through the waiting room to give our family and friends waiting a teaser look at our sweet Harper.  He stayed with her until about 8:30 that evening.  He came back and showed me pictures on our camera he has taken of her...all 200+ pictures (I have taught him well over the years).  He was so proud.

Over the last year he has just busted my expectations of what a dad should be (now don't think it's all roses all the time, but like they say the Pros out weigh the Cons).  He was so excited when she said 'Dada' first.  He likes to sneak up on her when he comes home and see how excited she gets, he loves going in to get her when she wakes up, he wants to carry when we are going into a store, church or someones house.  He. Is. So. Proud.  That is all there is to it.  He always says "I can get a new you, but I can never get a new Harpy" if any of you know Michael you will know that is just his sarcasm :)

I'm not sure Michael will ever know that every time he is with Harper I fall more in love with him.  He is just a natural; yes we all make mistakes and learn along the way, no one is perfect but he sure does try.  I have a feeling here in a few years he will be putty in her hands ;)

Michael thank you for being the BEST dad we would ever ask for!!  We love you to the moon and back!

Happy 2nd Father's Day!